In a previous article, I mentioned that one solution for reducing the amount of microfibers that are released into the water when doing your laundry is to focus on purchasing more clothing made from natural organic materials (e.g., cotton, hemp, wool). The problem here is that such clothing can be very expensive, which will limit the amount of plastic pollution you can eliminate using this strategy.
Another effective way to reduce the number of microfibers entering the water from your washing machine is to install a microfiber filter. A microfiber filter is typically connected to the water outlet hose coming from your washing machine to remove as much material as possible prior to releasing the water into the drainage pipe. Challenges associated with these filters include the fact that they can also be expensive as well as difficult to install and maintain. Another concern is how to dispose of the microfibers and other materials that are caught by the filter.
One company that sells microfiber filters is PlanetCare. Please watch the following video in which Ms. Mocja Zupan, PlanetCare CEO, has much to say on the issue of microfiber pollution from our laundry.
PlanetCare claims that their filter can capture up to 98% of the microfibers that come from your laundry during washing. The filtering apparatus is easy to install (from personal experience I can say that this is true). For a low monthly cost, the company will provide a steady supply of filters, which are sent to you in bulk to minimize shipments and the overall carbon footprint. Each filter can be used for an average of 30 wash loads, after which it needs to be replaced. As part of a closed-loop system, used filters are then sent back to PlanetCare at no cost; PlanetCare will recycle the microfiber material and refurbish the filters for future use. In recognition of their commitment to stop microfiber pollution from washing clothing made from synthetic materials and the overall efficiency and closed-loop nature of their filtering system, PlanetCare is the first filtering solution that has received the Ocean Clean Wash Quality Label.
Hints & Habits
Purchase and install a microfiber filter on your washing machine outlet hose through PlanetCare or any other filter manufacturer.